Roadmap to the world formula

The quantum rushing river of time...

The roadmap to the world formula

It is an engine in the now.
Only the moment exists.
We only register what vibrates...

1. The Creation

In the big bang was the singularity.

A single point from which everything is said to have arisen, as well as space.

A point without space.

However, whether a first event or a beginning took place in this way remains conjectureG

and the story of the big bang just a theory.

The universe is relatively evenly distributed and everything flies apart,

Hence the conclusion, everything was once together.

But just because the directions from which everything comes intersect at one point, the singularity,

Doesn't mean that everything was really there once together.

I prefer the idea that it could have been a white hole.

This is the counterpart of a black hole, but filled with

negative energy, so nothing can enter the white hole, unlike a black hole,

from which nothing can escape.

According to theory, a black hole and a white hole are connected via a wormhole.

In a wormhole, time is inverted, meaning it runs backwards.

Does this mean that the contents of the black hole are sent back in time to the white hole?

A white hole at the Big Bang would therefore have its energy from a

get black hole from the future.

So far, however, no white hole has been observed.

We only see a still image of the black hole at the event horizon because time stands still there.

This is an end of our space-time and whether there is already a new time-diverging space-time

located, we do not know.

What black and white holes have in common, as well as that of the big bang, lies in the singularity,

a single point on which everything should have been concentrated.

Our universe would have enough mass to be a black hole itself.

This coincidence may be due to the creation of the universe from a white hole

be justified, but also whether we ourselves are a black hole is not necessarily excluded.

While we lack a singularity that everything is moving towards, we do

each of our black holes has such a singularity.

And what if the wormhole behind it,

leads us back to another big bang or even to our own?

As a common direction in our universe and thus as the direction of time

we interpret the entropy as the increase in disorder.

However, in a wormhole, the direction of time is reversed.

thus entropy is probably more of a side effect.

But the expansion of space also corresponds to the flow of time.

Thus, time is difficult to distinguish even from dark energy,

responsible for the accelerating expansion of the universe.

under construction

2. Introduction to the theory of relativity

3.The limits of space-time are light and the black hole

4.Dark Energy and Dark Matter

5.The expansion of space through the formation of spheres

6.Multiplication by Pi

7. Kinetic Continuity and the Nature of Time

8.Our universe, the big bang and a black hole

9.The essence of light

"What holds the world together at its core is

what drives them apart."

"Every form of energy goes into geometry.

All matter bends."

"The world formula is a circle."

2. Introduction to the theory of relativity

"Separation is the basis of all relativity."

According to the theory of relativity, mass and energy are interchangeable and, so to speak, the same thing.

Our sun provides an example of how much energy is in matter.

Here, hydrogen atoms fuse to form helium, with the helium being a bit lighter

than the sum of its fused hydrogen atoms.

This difference in matter is called the mass defect and is stored as energy,

or heat and radiation from the sun.

But there is an essential difference between energy and matter.

Matter ages and energy can exchange and transform, but does not age.

The radiation that takes eight minutes from the sun

therefore has no age.

Generally applies in the special theory of relativity, that a body at rest

ages at maximum speed.

However, the faster a body moves through space, the slower its time passes,

relative to a body that is at rest.

For the body that moves, however, the sense of time remains the same,

but around in around time goes by faster. The movement through time can be called aging, and aging in turn is the sequence of internal quantum mechanical processes and movements.

These internal kinetics are eventually sustained by the expansion pressure of space.

Everything flows in a single shared moment.

Moving at near the speed of light

the slow-moving earth ages much faster than you do.

So after a short trip, you could return to Earth at that speed

and meet his own great-grandson, already himself, as a grandfather.

For oneself, however, hardly any time has passed from the conscious experience. how come

The faster you move through space, the slower you age, ie conscious perception also slows down in its processes. Therefore, you don't notice it, but the inner processes would

viewed from Earth, proceed incredibly slowly,

but the processes in an atomic clock are also slower.

This effect is called time dilation.

Conclusion: The faster through space, the slower through time.

The slower through space, the faster through time.

Relatively measured time is a relative movement between

processes of the microcosm and movement in the macrocosm.

Braking and accelerating are purely conversion processes

of spatial kinetics and internal atomic kinetics or atomic vibrations.

But why does the sequence of inner processes accelerate again when decelerating in space?

What accelerates them again? It is possibly the expansive pressure of the room that deals with

speed of light propagates.

The flow of time induces the inner kinetics.

When a body moves relative to the flow,

so its accelerating effect is reduced and time passes more slowly.

The slowing down of time when moving through space can be explained differently:

The speed of light represents the maximum and a resting body oscillates at its maximum.

However, if it moves through space, this speed must be subtracted from the internal atomic frequency. This makes time go by more slowly.

At the speed of light, no time elapses.

That is, the inner vibrations are frozen.

If light were a relative observer, he felt it would be synchronous everywhere

or permanently on his way

and everything around would happen simultaneously.

The light is therefore blind, as well as alpha and omega.

Light follows space on a determined path.

Its energy acquires mass when accelerated.

Since all observers in the universe move relative to each other, a problem arises

in terms of agreeing on the simultaneity of events.

Different observers can assign a different order to different events,

but only if they are not causally linked.

But simultaneity is what is simultaneous and not what is perceived as simultaneous.

Our calculations and our perceptions do not determine reality.

Overall, there is only one moment that is constantly changing.

At this moment, for example, there is a spaceship traveling at half the speed of light

and a resting observer included.

Relatively speaking, their times pass at different rates and they age at different rates,

without them noticing anything.

It is possible that from a higher dimensional point of view,

But past, present and future exist at the same time

if the world is only four dimensional this statement is wrong.

However, past, present and future exist from a higher dimensional point of view

at the same time, the totality of being must be subject to constant change, at least in the future,

similar to a blur of different possibilities that can occur and which, with the approach

to the now, as a single moment, become increasingly likely until they become manifest.

If the future stood still, everything would be predetermined and there would be no chance.

This would make quantum mechanics wrong.

Or the moment provides the relatively dynamic image with the highest possible resolution only as a probability.

This results in a thickness of the moment. A time pixel.

However, this would not be 100% manifested reality.

How real is reality and what is real?

In the special theory of relativity, the mass of a body continues to increase

the faster he moves through space. Bodies cannot reach the speed of light

otherwise their mass would tend to infinity.

Even the space through which he moves contracts.

Space is relative, but so is location.

A location can only be determined relatively and not infinitely precisely.

An infinite precision cannot exist.

There is no absolute place.

The definition or information of an infinitely precise location,

would mean an infinite amount of data.

In the general Relativity, on the other hand, describes gravity as the curvature of space and time.

A planet, for example, warps space-time in such a way that the volume of space is condensed relative to uncurved space, with no center of gravity, so to speak.

This is called gravitational lensing.

Light travels in an arc around a massive object.

All of this is only an aid to imagination, because in reality the light moves in a straight line as far as possible.

The light just follows the axes of the curved space.

If a body is accelerated by gravity, its time also passes more slowly.

The time that occurs as space curvature is therefore given a negative sign in the theory of relativity,

in contrast to the relative times.

But what is the actual message behind a negative time?

By accelerating in a gravitational field,

the internal vibrations of a body are slowed down.

Time passes more slowly here.

What remains as a preliminary conclusion?

The age of the universe is 13.8 billion years.

This absolute time is equivalent to the expansion of space.

The internal, atomic kinetics determine the relative, measured time.

The overall change in a body includes

here the atomic processes and movements (aging),

the movement through space (speed) and

the acceleration in curved space-time (gravity).

However, one crucial aspect is still missing.

The free movement of a body in space

and with it the constantly flowing exchange of information.

3.The limits of space-time are light and the black hole

There is no time for light.

If light were a relative observer, it would be everywhere along its path simultaneously, and yet it would be blind because relativity is the basis of our consciousness and sensations.

One can view the path of light as a spatial axis that is perpendicular to the absolute flow of time.

The absolute flow of time, corresponds to the expansion of space,

flowing apart everywhere.

Light is embedded in the expansion.

The black hole represents the other frontier of space-time.

Here, too, relative time no longer elapses at its event horizon.

The black hole can therefore be viewed as a kind of time column in space-time.

The time vector of the absolute flow of time is perpendicular to the black hole.

The space from the event horizon is curved in itself and thus also an end of the relative space-time.

As a result, space-time can no longer expand

and there is a time standstill at the edge of the black hole.

So we cannot say with certainty that there is still a black hole beyond the event horizon.

In a newly formed time diverging from us,

a new universe could have long since emerged, which in this time is a new, encapsulated space-time

would have available.

We only see the still image of the event horizon.

"Nothing, by its own definition, does not exist.

Everything that exists can be defined."

Everything we can measure and perceive vibrates and changes.

An absolute continuum is not accessible to our senses,

neither is the now.

We only ever see the light of the past.

Life saves the moment. Every moment is a memory.

4. Dark Energy and Dark Matter

"What holds the world together at its core is

what makes them flow apart."

If everything arose from a singularity, then at the big bang and the beginning of space, this must also have been maximally curved. Kind of like a white hole.

On the Schwarzschild radius, light could fly a circle.

Thus the space is maximally curved.

If one now divides a square by the adjacent surface of the sphere,

or a diameter through its circle,

this results in 1 divided by pi (31.8%).

Dark energy is the counter event of such a curvature with 1 - 1/Pi = 68.2%.

The counter-event is the uncurling of space.

The dimensions in the beginning began to stretch.

Dark energy is thus declared to be present, by a

Curvature since the Big Bang.

Due to the decurvature, 68.2% energy was released,

that flowed or flows into the vacuum of space.

Due to the law of conservation of energy, it must be opposed to a curvature

deal with antigravity.

Due to this decurvature, we now live in a flat universe.

Dark energy is a property of flat spacetime.

Dark energy as an aspect of time:

The space flows radially in its expansion and

is always perpendicular to space-time.

This is the everywhere on three dimensions of space,

vertical, fourth dimension of time.

Both terms strongly correlate with the expansion of space,

due to the quantum noise.

Our origin is perhaps the surface of an energetic primordial lake.

Matter was created by the breaking of the first wave, after the uncurvature of the Big Bang.

At the beginning of the universe, therefore, 1 created by Pi total space curvature (31.8%),

consisting of dark and visible matter and as a counter-event 1-1/Pi dark energy (68.2%).

A wave breaks when its height is one seventh the distance

to the next wave crest.

The proportion of visible matter is therefore calculated as 31.8% : 7 = 4.5%.

The point at which the wave breaks is where it loses energy.

Visible matter remains a wave crest in the following.

27.3% dark matter remained as "quasi-embedded" curvature in space.

Dark matter is much smaller and, like liquid,

between the wave crests of matter.

It flows around and through matter.

Dark matter washes around the wave crests and mediates between matter.

An image forms as if on an inhabited ocean.

Dark energy, on the other hand, has empty areas

stronger effective antigravity effect and lets the waves of the ocean drift apart like islands.

Here the suspicion arises that from the overall gravitational and antigravitational patential

an energetically favorable state is reached.

The values for dark energy (68.27%), dark matter (27.2%) and visible matter (4.5%),

can now be taken approximately from the Gaussian normal distribution.

The actually zero level of the potential in space-time,

lies on the horizontal through the two turning points.

The area below this horizontal between the turning points is 50%,

the total area under the curve.

5. The expansion of space through the formation of spheres

"A radially symmetric expansion from any point is equivalent to the formation of spheres,"

"The energy comes from the quantum noise."

"It's an engine in the now. The moment has an effect."

"There is a Planck length, Planck area, but why is there no Planck sphere?"

It is possible to divide space into octahedra surrounded by Planck spheres (see image below).

The octahedron is spanned by the three dimensions of space.

The volume of the octahedron to the sphere is 1/pi.

The surrounding part of the sphere is thus 1-1/Pi (68.2%), visualizing the dark energy from the quantum noise. A warp of space may reduce the effects of dark energy,

in that the Planck spheres would possibly overlap in curved space.

6. Pi is the key

"To add a dimension to a system, all you have to do is form a circle."

A diameter becomes a circumference.

A square becomes a sphere.

A sphere becomes a torus without a hole in the middle.

The surface always increases by the factor Pi.

Pi transforms when multiplied by curvature, one dimension up.

Therefore, singularities are skipped during dimensional transformation.

The decisive factor here is the infinity of Pi.

Pi is therefore causally irrational.

The universe arises and by the stretching of an inward curvature.

According to the latest research results, our universe is toroidal.

This may be about it:

From a sphere in the beginning flat space (1:Pi) and at the same time emerged

the distribution of energy, in the form of a torus (1 x pi).

7. Kinetic continuity and the nature of time

One aspect of time is the degree of freedom for change.

But even the free mobility in empty space is by no means a matter of course.

Through the flow of absolute time, or an acceleration pressure of the vacuum

on the atomic, quantum mechanical kinetics and the continuous rewriting

of space at any Planck time, seen as a hard disk, the "fluidity" or permeability is conveyed.

Absolute time is the spherical expansion of space out of any point.

This is the flow of time or the oscillating time field

at any point perpendicular to space-time.

These are the coordinate axes of time, spheroidal out from every point of the coordinate system,

and thus everywhere perpendicular to the three spatial dimensions.

This is the fourth dimension.

The vacuum pressure accelerates

the inner atomic processes of a body,

when reducing the velocity in space.

This speeds up time again.

Braking and accelerating are pure, so to speak

Conversion processes from internal to external kinetics.

Simplified, the sum vector is always the speed of light.

The external energies of a body in space and

the internal energies of atomic vibrations

behave towards maintaining a continuous level of energy,

between macro and microcosm, indirectly proportional to each other

Light expands with successive vectors in the same direction, from the spheroidally expanding space-time at each point.

It is thus embedded in the spatial expansion

or is worn by her.

The flow of time is reflected in Planck's constant and gives

thus a constant torque, as a property of space,

the unit or dimension of an effect.

energy times time.

Space has impact.

It is a property of space-time.

The energy of matter is therefore the sum of all moments it contains.

"In the complete sum of all vectors, everything has the speed of light."

8. Our universe, the big bang and a black hole

"All is layered spirit."

Space-time spans between singularities where time stands still.

Radiation, which also does not age, firmly follows the space axes or the framework of space-time as energy packets.

Our universe would have enough mass to be a black hole.

In the big bang as in the black hole there is a singularity.

Also, the cosmic background radiation from the big bang is the perfect radiation

of a black body.

Instead of the Big Bang radiation, it would be the resulting radiation,

the formation of the interior of a black hole.

Is our universe as a "black hole" in another universe,

one could also interpret the background radiation as cavity radiation.

A black hole is a self-contained space, like the surface of a sphere.

In the case of a black hole, space is maximally curved.

It was similar in the Big Bang.

Our universe came into being through the stretching of an initially curved space,

like a black hole opening up.

The room had to be flat.

"When curved space suddenly turns into flat, stretched space,

the energy that would have been required for its curvature is released."

Stretched space is related to maximally curved space,

like the diameter of a circle, to its circumference.

Pi equals circumference to diameter.

Therefore, when stretched, 1 is conserved by Pi = 31.8% of the curvature.

The proportion of 1 - 1/Pi = 68.2%, the part given up during stretching

of the energy in the room is the dark energy.

By compensating for the decurvature, it is, due to the law of conservation of energy,

at dark energy about antigravity, which is now contained in space as vacuum energy.

As a result, we live in a flat universe.

The Big Bang, similar to the formation of a white hole, can also

bypass a singularity at the beginning.

The universe wasn't assembled in one point in the big bang,

but had a certain initial size and initial density.

Dark energy effects were nil because of the strong initial curvature.

Only through the decrease of the initial inward curvature in the Big Bang,

and that of the subsequent uncurvature of space-time, the phenomenon of the

dark energy, with the emergence of empty space.

Therefore, today we live in a stretched and flat universe.

What is it like in the black hole?

We don't see any big changes from the outside

but the interior of a black hole expands in

a new time or space-time.

Excerpt: the 10 dimensions

The energy content of a black hole is defined by its Schwarzschild radius.

This corresponds to the principal quantum number in quantum mechanics.

in quantum mechanics, the 4 minor quantum numbers correspond to the orbitals

times two, equal to 8 because of the different spin.

With the principal quantum number and time, that is

the hidden ten dimensions.

A dimension simply represents a determinate degree of freedom.

If the universe were a 3D surface on a 4D sphere,

so there would be three spatial coordinates, plus three round dimensions around the sphere,

which have to be scored twice because they can be traveled in both directions and you come out at the same point in all circle dimensions (regardless of the spin).

9. Essence of Light

"The light is the writing of the time."

Light moves congruently with the expansion of space and thus does not age.

It also has the speed of light.

As aspect of time coincides with the expansion of space,

one could describe photons as "time quanta".

The increased transit time of light around a curved space is to be compared

with time slowed down for matter.

time is stretched.

But light is not a wave or a particle. light is one bow wave in the absolute flow of time.

The diffraction at the double slit is due to the diffraction of the bow waves of the photon

in the flow of the expanding, dissolving space.

This results in the interference pattern behind the double slit.

By the radially symmetric expansion of empty space from every point,

are the vectors of expansion

of space and that of a photon (light as the axis of space) congruent.

Light thus ages with the resultant of relative time, as the opposite side with sine 1 = 0.

(Light does not age!)

We can only see a ray of light because we age relative to it.

In the double-slit experiment with time measurement, light loses its quantized,

stochastic distribution pattern,

since the total information of the wave through the time measurement,

like being trimmed with scissors, like narrowing the gap.

By measuring the time, the information of the

radial symmetric expansion deleted

and the photon is determined as a particle with the information location.

As a result, the photon loses its wave property

and the interference pattern disappears.

At some point all matter decays into energy and radiates.

Matter is relative, energy is absolute.

Energy is preserved and any system

is subject to self-organization.

Logic is self-explanatory and forms a simplistic

Complexity of a system that is preserved.

Logic is universal and arises independently,

everywhere in the cosmos anew.

Through the possible self-organization of pure energy

an ultimately resulting spirit does not need a body.

The existence or emergence of a universal mind is thus,

due to the old age of the universe, yes

within the realm of possibility.

However, the laws of logic already applied

in the source from which we all sprung

and this source probably still exists.

"The universe is alive!"


As of 06/05/2022

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